A Better Way to Wake UP

Ending the Hungover Mom Cycle: How I Transformed My Mornings (and My Life)

Ever wake up with a hazy memory and a sinking feeling about your behavior from the night before? Yeah, me too. During the last year of my drinking career, my mornings started with one eye open and scrambling to piece the night together. Then I’d move on to a hangover, guilt, and snapping at my kids as they’d get ready for school. This was all a result of my evening “me time” - staying up too late with my “boyfriend”, Marc West, and watching mindless reality TV. Those mornings were a disaster. While making lunches, I’d wonder if my husband was mad at me and if I could squeeze a nap in at some point before the kids got home.

This is NO way to live.

Just writing about it brings me back and grosses me out. But here’s the good news - this being a sobriety blog you knew it was coming…one of the biggest benefits of sobriety is a full night's sleep and the glorious feeling of waking up with a clear head. No more piecing together the night before or walking on eggshells, worrying about if I picked a fight. Most importantly, my mornings aren’t spent dumping my bad mood on my kids before they go to school.

The Shift to Confidence

The transition to a sober morning routine might not be instant. You may still wake up in a panic, replaying the night before in your head. But then, a wave of relief will wash over you: "Wait, I don't do that anymore. Everything's good!"

Those quiet mornings can feel strange at first. You're used to tiptoeing around, but now you own your behavior. Things are different and it takes some getting used to. Sobriety fosters a quiet confidence that grows stronger with each alcohol-free day. The old you might have stayed silent in the morning due to guilt or insecurity, but the new you can stand tall and speak your truth. Mornings don’t have to suck anymore!

Aligning Your Inner and Outer Self

The journey from the old you to the new, confident you takes some adjustment. Speaking your mind after years of silence can feel awkward. But with practice, it gets easier. And so you’ll do it more - and it’ll feel good. You’ll start living in alignment, where your outsides match your insides. You’ll act in integrity with your values.

Do you feel like your words and actions are mismatched? Many of us live in misalignment for so long, that we don't even realize it. Sobriety brought me back to my authentic self. It's a homecoming where my values and actions finally match.

You might wonder how something as simple as quitting drinking can have such a profound impact on your life. Honestly, I can't explain it. But I’ll tell you this: it does. By removing alcohol your mornings (and the mornings of your loved ones) will change from a one-eyed-open dread to a both-eyes-open peaceful anticipation of a new day.

Ready to ditch the hangovers and start your mornings with peace and confidence? You can. The only way to create the change you want is to take action. What’s one small action you can take today to start the change?

Maureen Anderson

Recovery Coach Professional + Gray Area Drinking Master Coach.


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